- 인공지능|Artificial Intelligence
- 데이터사이언스|Data Science
- 머신러닝|Machine Learning
- 응용인공지능|Applied Artificial Intelligence
- 인공지능·컴퓨터공학|Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
- 인공지능·로봇공학|Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- 수학·인공지능|Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
- 컴퓨터공학·인공지능|Computer Science and Intelligent Systems
- 데이터사이언스·머신러닝|Data Science and Machine Learning
- 컴퓨터공학|Computer Science
- 소프트웨어 공학|Software Engineering
- 통신공학|Telecommunications Engineering
- 인터넷공학|Internet Engineering
- 컴퓨팅·경영학|Computing and Business Administration
- 컴퓨터·비디오게임|Computer and Video Games
- 수학·컴퓨팅|Mathematics with Computing
- 컴퓨터과학·인공지능|Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
- 컴퓨터과학·수학|Computer Science and Mathematics
- 컴퓨터과학·네트워크통신|Computer Science-Network Communications
- 컴퓨터과학·컴퓨터그래픽|Computer Science-Computer Graphics
- 컴퓨터과학·게임프로그래밍|Computer Science (Game Programming)
- 컴퓨터과학수사·컴퓨터학|Computer Forensics, Computer Studies
- 컴퓨터기술|Computer Technology
- 컴퓨터·정보보호|Computer & Information Security
- 컴퓨터·네트워크기술|Computer and Network Technology
- 컴퓨터시스템공학|Computer Systems Engineering
- 컴퓨터과학·전자공학|Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 학사 3/27(목), 석박사 4/17(목)