- 물리학|Physics
- 수학과 물리 |Mathematics and Physics
- 천체물리학 |Astrophysics
- 이론물리 |Theoretical Physics
- 지구물리 |Geophysics
- 철학과 물리 |Philosophy and Physics
- 수학|Mathematics
- 수리학|Mathematical Sciences
- 계리수학|Actuarial Mathematics
- 전산수학|Computational Mathematics
- 공학수학|Engineering Mathematics
- 금융수학|Financial Mathematics
- 생물학과 수학|Biology and Mathematics
- 컴퓨터과학과 수학|Computer Science and Mathematics
- 게임공학및수학|Game Technology and Mathematics
- 화학-수학|Chemistry-Mathematics
- 수학물리학|Mathematical Physics
- 수학연구학|Mathematical Studies
- 수학과 교육연구학|Mathematics and Education Studies
- 수학과 철학|Mathematics and Philosophy
- 수학과 심리학|Mathematics with Psychology
- 경영과 수학|Management and Mathematics
- 수학과 경제|Mathematics and Economics
- 수학과 의료통계|Mathematics and Medical Statistics
- 수학과 웹개발|Mathematics and Web Development
- 전략적혁신속 수학|Mathematics with Strategic Innovation
- 지질학|Geology
- 환경과학|Environmental Science
- 해양과학|Ocean Sciences
- 해양학|Oceanography
- 생태학|Ecology
- 환경관리 |Environmental Management
- 환경·경영 |Environment and Business
- 환경·계획 |Environment and Planning
- 환경학·법학 |Environmental Studies with Law
- 환경과학 |Environmental Science
- 환경사회과학 |Environmental Social Sciences
- 지속가능환경관리 |Sustainability and Environmental Management
- 안전·보건·환경관리 |Safety, Health & Environmental Management
- 화학|Chemistry
- 생화학|Biochemistry
- 재료화학|Materials Chemistry
- 분석화학 (Analytical Chemistry)
- 약물화학 (Medicinal Chemistry)
- 화학-수학계산·화학 (Chemistry - Mathematical and Computational Chemistry)
- 화학·생의학 (Chemistry with Biological & Medicinal Chemistry)
- 화학·화공학 (Chemistry with Chemical Engineering)
- 화학·과학수사 (Chemistry with Forensic Science)
- 생화학·유전학 (Biochemistry and Genetics)
- 생화학·미생물학 (Biochemistry and Microbiology)
- 약물화학·약학 (Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology)
- 약리학 (Pharmacology)
- 약화학 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 학사 3/27(목), 석박사 4/17(목)