- 약학|Pharmacy
- 약학·실습|Pharmacy Practice
- 약학·생체의학|Pharmacy and Biomedical Science
- 약·제약학|Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science
- 약학·보건|Pharmacy Science and Health
- 임상약제학|Clinical Pharmacy
- 국제약학|International Pharmacy
- 응용 임상약제학|Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- 응용 약학|Advanced Pharmacy Practice
- 임상의약개발학|Clinical Pharmacy Service Development
- 약리학|Pharmacology
- 약리학·생물공학|Pharmacology and Biotechnology
- 약리학·생리학|Pharmacology and Physiology
- 약리학·경영|Pharmacology with Business
- 약리학·신약개발|Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
- 약리학·독성학·약학|Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy
- 응용약리학|Advanced Pharmacology
- 암 약리학|Cancer Pharmacology
- 임상약리학|Clinical Pharmacology
- 의약리학|Medical Pharmacology
- 생화학·약리학|Biochemistry and Pharmacology
- 면역학·약리학|Immunology and Pharmacology
- 미생물학·약리학|Microbiology and Pharmacology
- 의화학·약리학|Medical Chemistry with Pharmacology
- 생리학,약리학,뇌과학|Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience
- 약물독성학·안전성 약리학|Drug Toxicology and Safety Pharmacology
2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 학사 3/27(목), 석박사 4/17(목)