- 사회학|Sociology
- 사회학·사회정치학 |Sociology and Social Policy
- 사회학·사회인류학 |Sociology and Social Anthropology
- 국제관계·사회학 |Sociology with International Relations
- 사회학·심리학 |Sociology and Psychology
- 사회학·경제학 |Sociology and Economics
- 사회학·철학 |Sociology and Philosophy
- 사회학·경영관리 |Sociology and Business Management
- 사회학·방송매체학 |Sociology and TV New Broadcasting Media
- 방송학·사회학 |Sociology with Television Studies
- 사회학·정량분석 |Sociology with Quantitative Methods
- 유럽연구·사회학 |European Studies and Sociology
- 사회학·정치학 |Politics with Sociology
- 인권 및 사회학 |Human Rights and Sociology
- 역사 및 사회학 |History and Sociology
- 법학 및 사회학 |Law and Sociology
- 사회학 및 언론학과 |Journalism with Sociology
- 심리학|Psychology
- 심리학·비즈니스|Psychology and Business
- 심리학·범죄학|Psychology and Criminology
- 심리학·사회학|Psychology and Sociology
- 심리학·인권학|Psychology and Human Rights
- 심리상담학과|Psychology and Counselling
- 역사·심리학|Psychology with History
- 언론학·심리학|Psychology with Journalism
- 방송매체·심리학|Psychology with Television Studies
- 미디어문화·심리학|Media Cultural and Psychology
- 법의학심리학·형사사법|Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
- 창작·심리학|Creative Writing and Psychology
- 스포츠·운동심리학|Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- 교육학|Education
- 유아교육학|Education Studies with Early Years
- 아동문화교육|Education, Culture and Childhood
- 영어교육학|English, Language and Education
- 특수교육학|Education with Special and Inclusive Needs
- 초등교육학|Primary Education with Recommendation for QTS
- 체육교육|Physical Education with Outdoor Education
- 수학교육|Mathematics with Mathematics Education
- 교육심리학|Education Studies and Psychology
- 언론|Journalism
- 커뮤니케이션 미디어|Communication and Media
- 홍보학|Public Relations
- 방송저널리즘|Broadcast Journalism
- 디지털미디어|Digital Media
- 언론학|Journalism Studies
- 언론·미디어|Journalism and Media
- 멀티미디어저널리즘|Multimedia Journalism
- 홍보·언론학|Public Relations with Journalism
- 홍보·미디어학|Public Relations and Media
- 홍보·마케팅|Public Relations and Marketing
- 비지니스·홍보학|Business and Public Relations
- 사진언론학|Photographic Journalism
2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 학사 3/27(목), 석박사 4/17(목)