- 건축|Architecture
- 건축·도시생활학|Architecture and Urbanism
- 건축·환경디자인|Architecture and Environmental Design
- 인테리어 건축|Interior Architecutre
- 조경학|Landscape Architecture
- 건축·전문직|Professional Practice in Architecture
- 해양기술·조선공학|Marine Technology with Naval Architecture
- 구조공학·건축|Structural Engineering with Architecture
- 토목공학·건축|Civil Engineering with Architecture
- 인테리어 건축·디자인|Interior Architecture and Desgin
- 조선공학·해양공학|Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering
- 조선공학·선박공학|Naval Architecture with Marine Engineering
- 조선공학·고성능선박|Naval Architecture with High Performance Marine Vehicles
- 건축디자인·기술|Architectural Design and Technology
- 건축·조경|Architecture and Landscape
- 건축공학|Architectural Engineering
- 건축실습|Architectural Practice
- 건축기술|Architectural Technology
- 건축빌딩공학|Architectural Building Studies
- 건축공학경영|Architectural Management
- 건축역사학|Architectural History
- 유리건축|Architectural Glass
- 건축물보존|Architectural Conservation
- 청각·음향건축|Architectural Acoustics
- 건축디자인|Architectural Design
- 건축디자인·기술|Architectural Design and Technology
- 건축환경공학|Architectural Environmental Engineering
- 토목공학|Civil Engineering
- 토목·건축공학 |Civil and Architectural Engineering
- 토목정보공학 |Civil Engineering |Geoinformatics
- 토목환경공학 |Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 토목공학·현대언어 |Civil Engineering with Modern Language
- 토목·구조공학 |Civil and Structural Engineering
- 토목·해안공학|Civil and Coastal Engineering
- 토목·선로공학|Civil and Railway Engineering
- 토목공학·경영|Civil Engineering and Management
- 토목공학·건축|Civil Engineering with Architecture
- 토목공학·지속가능성Civil Engineering with Sustainability
- 토목공학·건축물관리|Civil Engineering and Construction Management
- 토목공학·환경경영|Civil Engineering and Environmental Management
- 구조공학|Structural Engineering
- 구조·건축공학|Structural and Architectural Engineering
- 구조·화재 안정성공학|Structural and Fire Safety Engineering
- 구조공학 디자인·건축물관리|Structural Design and Construction Management
- 응용구조공학|Advanced Structural Engineering
- 철골디자인|Structural Steel Design
- 구조일체성|Structural Integrity
- 구조공학·콘크리트|Structural Engineering and Concrete Materials
- 해양구조물공학|Offshore Structural Engineering
- 토목구조공학|Civil Structural Engineering
- 지진구조공학|Earthquake and Structural Engineering
- 오일가스구조공학|Oil and Gas Structural Engineering
- 구조지질학|Structural Geology
- 지속가능 구조공학디자인·건축물관리|Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability
- 조경학|Landscape
- 조경디자인|Landscape Design
- 조경역사학|Landscape History
- 조경경영학|Landscape Management
- 조경연구학|Landscape Studies
- 조경·도시생활학|Landscape and Urbanism
- 조경건축학|Landscape Architecture
- 조경건축연구학|Landscape Architecture Studies
- 조경·공원디자인|Landscape and Garden Design
- 조경건축·도시디자인|Landscape Architecture with Urban Design
- 공원·조경디자인|Garden and Landscape Design
- 미래조경건축학|Future Landscape Architecture
- 원예학|Horticulture (Garden and Landscape Design)
2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 학사 3/27(목), 석박사 4/17(목)